martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

**Action Plan**

Action plan

All the people who live in Puebla are involucrate on environment issues like the noise pollution because most of them have a car or use the bus or other ways to public transportation. And it for that reason that we choose a action plan that should be implement in the city to reduces the pollution of the noise.

The government should do that

They need to make a regular inspection to all the car in the public transport.
And they need to make more laws that have this particular problem and more regulations in the city’s to make the people more aware about the problem because it’s an important work to the government  make the people understand that all the  environment issues are our obligation.

The society should do that

All the people always talk about all the problems that the city has but nobody do something to reduce those problems or to reduce the effects, so what could be a good plan to the society to reduce all the problems and issues in the environment of their cities.
Firstly all of them need to shut up and stop talking what they need what is wrong with his daily life and listen other people problems and all together find a solution where all be benefices like in others countries with the same problem.
Secondly they can turn down the volume of the music when they were in tier houses, listen music its good but for what all the neighborhood need to know what kind of music you like.
Finally all the people need to be more aware with all the environment around us and do more things that makes it better like, don’t touch the claxon when the traffic is heavy, take their cars to the mechanic to some adjust and the car don’t make a lot of noise.

We as a team know that all the problems in the cities its not the work of the government the society need to do their work to make a better place the city of Puebla.

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